Sunday, December 7, 2008

Psychology After Lacan - Course Schedule






Classes will be held on 2 Saturday afternoons and 1 Sunday in Dec 2008, and 1 or 2 Sundays in Jan, Feb, and March 2009.


Ø Dec 06 (Saturday) 2-6 pm

Session 1: Lacan: Life and works

Readings: (1) “Jacques-Marie Emile Lacan: Curriculum Vitae 1901-81”, in Lacan in Contexts, David Macey, Verso, 1988, pp 210-255.

Ø Dec 07 (Sunday) 2-6 pm

Session 2: Sigmund Freud: The Archaeology of the Unconscious

Screening: (1) Sigmund Freud: The Archaeology of the Unconscious. This film would help us get a grip of the problems Freud had encountered in his medical career; it would also help us see why a medical doctor flirting with questions related to the neurological, moves after the aphasia book to questions relating to the ‘logic of the mind’, a logic menaced by the restlessness of the illogical; it would also show how Freud’s ‘method’ differs fundamentally from other epistemo-affective intersubjective encounters.

Readings: (1) Lear, J. 2005. Freud - New York and London: Routledge.

Ø Dec 13 (Saturday) 2-6 pm

Session 3: Lacan and his Return to Freud – I – Readings: (1) Lear, J. 2005. Freud - New York and London: Routledge.

Ø Jan 18 (Sunday) 10-5 pm

Session 4: Lacan and his Return to Freud – II

Readings: (1) Lear, J. 1998. Open Minded: Working Out the Logic of the Soul, pp. 1-55 – Harvard University Press, containing three chapters – (a) Preface: The King and I, (b) On Killing Freud (again) and (c) Knowingness and Abandonment: An Oedipus of Our time.

(We would like to supplement this session with the audio recording of an interview of Ashish Nandy taken on the 23rd and the 24th of June, 2008.)

Session 5: The Uncanny of Subjectivity

Screening of Luis Bunuel’s Un Chien Andalou [1928]

Calvino, I. 1983. “Reading a Wave” in Mr. Palomar, pp. 1-3.

Kafka, F. 1916. Metamorphosis, pp. 11-52.

Flax, J. 1993. “Multiples: On the Contemporary Politics of Subjectivity” in Disputed Subjects: Essays on Psychoanalysis, Politics and Philosophy, pp. 92-110 – New York and London: Routledge.

Session 6: Freudian Understanding of Subjectivity

Freud, S. 1925. “A Note on the Mystic Writing Pad” in General Psychological Theory, Chapter XIII, pp. 207-212.

Lear, J. 1998. “Restlessness, Phantasy, and the Concept of Mind” in Open Minded: Working out the Logic of the Soul, pp. 80-122. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Ø Feb 08 (Sunday) 10-5 pm

Session 7: Lacanian Understanding of Subjectivity

Lacan, J. 2006. “The Subversion of the Subject and the Dialectic of Desire in the Freudian Unconscious” in Ecrits (trans. Bruce Fink), pp. 671-702 – New York, London: W. W. Norton and Company.

Session 8: Imaginary

Readings: “From the Imaginary to the Symbolic”, in Jacques Lacan, Jonathan Scott Lee, The University of Massachusetts Press, 1991, pp 31-71.

Ø Feb 22 (Sunday) 10-5 pm

Session 9: Symbolic

Readings: “From the Symbolic to the Real”, in Jacques Lacan, Jonathan Scott Lee, The University of Massachusetts Press, 1991, pp 72-99.

Session 10: Real as Rem(a)inder

Readings: “The Impossible Real”, in Jacques Lacan, Jonathan Scott Lee, The University of Massachusetts Press, 1991, pp 133-170.

Ø March 01 (Sunday) 10-5 pm

Session 11: Lacan and Language

Readings: “The Psychoanalyst as Textual Analyst”, in Jacques Lacan, Jonathan Scott Lee, The University of Massachusetts Press, 1991, pp 100-132.

Session 12: Lacan and the Clinic

Ø March 08 (Sunday) 10-5 pm

Session 13: Lacan “On the Limits of Knowledge”

Session 14: Lacan “On the Limits of Love”: There is no such thing as a Sexual Relationship

Venue: Dept of PG Psychology, Main Blk, I Flr.

For any clarification please contact Mr. Diptarup Chowdhury, Course Co-ordinator, Dept of PG Psychology at / Cell-9886289844, or meet him personally anytime from 4 to5 pm at the dept.

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