Classes will be held on 2 Saturday afternoons and 1 Sunday in Dec 2008, and 1 or 2 Sundays in Jan, Feb, and March 2009.
Ø Dec 06 (Saturday) 2-6 pm
Session 1: Lacan: Life and works
Ø Dec 07 (Sunday) 2-6 pm
Session 2: Sigmund Freud: The Archaeology of the Unconscious
Screening: (1) Sigmund Freud: The Archaeology of the Unconscious. This film would help us get a grip of the problems Freud had encountered in his medical career; it would also help us see why a medical doctor flirting with questions related to the neurological, moves after the aphasia book to questions relating to the ‘logic of the mind’, a logic menaced by the restlessness of the illogical; it would also show how Freud’s ‘method’ differs fundamentally from other epistemo-affective intersubjective encounters.
Ø Dec 13 (Saturday) 2-6 pm
Session 3: Lacan and his Return to Freud – I –
Ø Jan 18 (Sunday) 10-5 pm
Session 4: Lacan and his Return to Freud – II
(We would like to supplement this session with the audio recording of an interview of Ashish Nandy taken on the 23rd and the 24th of June, 2008.)
Session 5: The Uncanny of Subjectivity
Screening of Luis Bunuel’s Un Chien Andalou [1928]
Kafka, F. 1916. Metamorphosis, pp. 11-52.
Flax, J. 1993. “Multiples: On the Contemporary Politics of Subjectivity” in Disputed Subjects: Essays on Psychoanalysis, Politics and Philosophy, pp. 92-110 –
Session 6: Freudian Understanding of Subjectivity
Freud, S. 1925. “A Note on the Mystic Writing Pad” in General Psychological Theory, Chapter XIII, pp. 207-212.
Lear, J. 1998. “Restlessness, Phantasy, and the Concept of Mind” in Open Minded: Working out the Logic of the Soul, pp. 80-122.
Ø Feb 08 (Sunday) 10-5 pm
Session 7: Lacanian Understanding of Subjectivity
Lacan, J. 2006. “The Subversion of the Subject and the Dialectic of Desire in the Freudian Unconscious” in Ecrits (trans. Bruce Fink), pp. 671-702 –
Session 8: Imaginary
Ø Feb 22 (Sunday) 10-5 pm
Session 9: Symbolic
Session 10: Real as Rem(a)inder
Ø March 01 (Sunday) 10-5 pm
Session 11: Lacan and Language
Session 12: Lacan and the Clinic
Ø March 08 (Sunday) 10-5 pm
Session 13: Lacan “On the Limits of Knowledge”
Session 14: Lacan “On the Limits of Love”: There is no such thing as a Sexual Relationship
Venue: Dept of PG Psychology, Main Blk, I Flr.
For any clarification please contact Mr. Diptarup Chowdhury, Course Co-ordinator, Dept of PG Psychology at / Cell-9886289844, or meet him personally anytime from 4 to5 pm at the dept.
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